It’s a relatively bright and sunny but chilly February morning and the bright sunlight streaming through my kitchen window is not letting me sit down work due to the blinding light getting into my eyes. I have now moved to a cozy spot on the couch but it’s making me drowsy…
While I was away in India and eating all the wonderful local food, I also started reading up on a lot of things related to food, what we eat and how it affects us and how our body reacts to it all.
Now let me share some facts about myself – I am lazy – very lazy and not the type who will ever go the gym even twice a week – I have ended up wasting money in 2 currencies and 3 cities so I should know that however fabulous the gym it simply does NOT work for me.
Nor does dieting – I feel deprived and end up stuffing my face even more.
So what’s the way out when I have finally made a decision to eat sensibly and loose as much weight as I can without going mad. Well, past 2 weeks I have broken down my meals to smaller portions, trying to eat 5 small meals instead of 3 every day and have drastically cut down on sugar consumption. By sugar I don’t mean granulated sugar but sugar hidden in various food.
I have procured a chart about which foods are high in carbs and thus break down into sugar while they are being digested. Am consciously trying to read up more and steer clear of obviously sugar laden foods and any sugary foods are out. Thankfully I quit sugar in my tea years ago so that is not a problem but yes saying no to alcohol and other foods is not going to be easy. But then nothing good come by too easy does it?
So here goes, my morning smoothie recipe – an attempt to start the day on a healthy note :
Avocado,Spinach and fruity Green Smoothie
- 1 Blender
- 1/2 Banana
- 1/2 Pear
- 1/2 Big Avocado
- 1 Apple
- 8 tbsp Baby Spinach Leaves
- 2 tsp Ginger
- Chop the ginger into small bits after roughly removing the skin, if the ginger is super fresh you can use the back of a spoon to easily peel of the fine layer of skin
- Roughly chop all the fruitsinto chunks. Break the banana half by hand
- Simply chuck all the aboveingredients into a food processor and add very little water just to give the smoothie some movement and consistency
I prefer a thick consistency the type you can scoop out using a spoon as it is simply more satisfying and increases the feeling of being full.
This made 2 small glasses and I had both of them , simply double up the quantity for 2 people and so on and so forth.
Leafy, green, tasty, bursting with fruity goodness and taste, this smoothie is an immune system booster and full of all things good for your body. It will definitely boost sagging energy levels and induce a feel-good factor. The smooth creamy taste added by the avocado is a bonus!
I have linked up my recipe with Credit Crunch Munch which is a frugal food recipe sharing challenge developed by Helen over at Fuss Free Flavours and Camilla over at Fab Food 4 All and guest hosted by the lovely Elizabeth who blogs at Elizabeth’s Diary, linked up for Feb 2015 on her blog post too.