This is probably my simplest ,fastest and yet very tasty AND healthy meal option. All you need is 2 slices of salmon some salad leaves and a hotch potch collection of any thing that can yumm up a salad! Few Minutes in the oven and hey Presto ! a healthy meal is ready to tuck in.
What I love about the after feel of this kind of a lunch or dinner is that it leaves me full and satiated and not feeling bloaty or heavy or drowsy for that matter!
So my ingredient list goes like this , but honestly for the salad just use any combination of leafy stuff and spices that you have in your fridge and cupboard and slam them together to make your own accompaniment!
- 2 slices of salmon fresh
- 2 thick slices of lime to wedge into the fish and a large slice to splash over the salad.
- one spoon olive oil
- Mixed italian herbs to season the fish – better if you have fresh herbs
- crushed black pepper and rock salt to sprinkle
- some capers for seasoning
- Salad leaves of your liking I use the mix leaves packets from the supermarket – rocket,spinach,lettuce mixed with some peppers and red onion sliced for some colour, crunch and taste.
- Cherry Tomatoes
- A cheese slice – anything that you fancy
- Some onion flakes to dust over the salad
This meal takes lesser time to cook than it took me to write this blog post 🙂
- place the salom piece on a foil, lightly drizzle olive oil , wedge a slice of lime in between and sprinkle sea salt and crcaked black pepper and a generous sprinkle of italian herbs, mine came out of a bottle.
- Give the Salmon just enough time in the oven to cook, fish cooks fairly fast and these 2 slices took less that 7 minutes in a pre heated oven.
- Once done serve the salmon alongside a generous helping of salad leaves and juicy cherry tomatoes,toss a few capers , tear some cheese to season, give another drizzle of olive oil and a big squeeze of lime ,finally add some crispy fried onion bits, finish off with sea salt.
- Dig in and feel full inside and light and skippity on a full stomach.
P.S: of the time you save when you choose this light, easy and quick dish , grab that novel you have been waiting to get done with enjoy a relaxed afternoon curled up on the sofa…I did…:)
Easy and delicious recipe, exactly what I was looking for