Hello everyone and welcome to September 2016 linky for Tea Time treats. Last month Karen, the host of ‘Tea Time treats’ at her lovely blog ‘Lavender and Lovage’ bid adieu to her co-host, the very cool Janie who blogs at The Hedgecombers. Jane has decided to step down for now and has passed on the baton now to Jo from Jo’s Kitchen and me.
Of course, Jo and I are very excited to be part of this monthly linky which brings out so many creative and wonderful recipes from all over the blogosphere!
The theme for this month is ‘Savoury Treats’. I do have a sweet tooth but my taste buds are partial to savoury flavours. I think of all the varied wonderful savoury fare that is served with steaming hot cups of masala tea and it sends me straight to my days back in India. From the famous ‘Chitale Bakarwadi’ from Pune to the crumbly and delicious ‘Mathri’ from the North of India, there is no limit to the amazing treats that are available to please every palate.
I, for one, cannot wait to see what savoury treats you plan to make and share with us! I am hoping to see a lot of variety from ALL over the world.
Please have a look at the rules and guidelines below and feel free to contact us if you need to know more about this event and how to participate. Grab those aprons then and get cooking!

Tea Time Treats Rules and Guidelines:
Tea Time Treats is a monthly blogging event that showcases treats from our favourite meal of the day: teatime! Hosted alternate months by Karen from Lavender and Lovage, Jo from Jo’s Kitchen and me; each challenge involves a style of bake or popular teatime ingredient. All teatime treats, whether sweet or savoury, bread, pies, pasties, cakes, tarts, desserts, conserves or biscuits (plus many, many more!) will be featured over the coming months.
- Post your recipe on your blog with a link to Lavender and Lovage, Travels for Taste and Jo’s Kitchen and mention the relevant month’s host and attach the Tea Time Treats logo as shown on the event page.
- Add Tea Time Treats in your blog post as a label/tag.
- The recipe can be one of your own or one you’ve seen elsewhere. You are welcome to republish old recipes/posts but please add the information about this challenge.
- Please be as creative with the theme as you like.
- If you put your post on Twitter please mention @KarenBurnsBooth, @travelsfortaste, @Jos_Kitchen and #teatimetreats in your message and we will re-tweet all those we see.
- You do not need to enter every month to join in with the challenge.
- Your post can be submitted for other blogging challenges, just make sure this complies with the rules of the other challenge.
- VIP: Add your recipe link to the live linky posted at the bottom of every challenge post.
- If using a recipe from another person, book, website, chef or blog, you must link back to the original recipe and not reproduce the recipe in full in your post. You must also use your OWN images for the recipe and not the original images, unless you have permission to do so, with appropriate links and any other information requested by the photo’s owner added to the image.
PLEASE join in the baking fun!
(Copy and paste the code below into your Text editor to embed the logo into your blog post)
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.lavenderandlovage.com/tea-time-treats" title="Tea Time Treats"><img src="https://www.lavenderandlovage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/lavenderandlovage_teatime.png" alt="Tea Time Treats" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

THANK YOU and have a FAB September filled with brilliant savoury treats!
Karen, Manjiri and Jo