I am suffering …it’s a crazy mix of Hayfever and a viral infection which is messing with my throat . So I am congested , sneezing ,wheezing,coughing and drowsy all the time .
As is my practise every morning , I logged into my email to check and there were 2 emails from my council library to come and collect the reservations – – Two Ruskin Bond books I have been waiting to get my hands on for months now !
In spite of all the misery , I am smiling , ready to rush out and get the books home, will then curl up on the sofa with a dozen fluffy pillows, a HOT mug of tasty chicken soup and read till I sleep into a blissful sleep – hopefully ๐
I cannot believe I have gone through life not having read any of his awesome books , to think that he is of British descent and that many of the big book stores here do not stock his books is really sad . But thankfully the libraries run by the council’s in London are all connected so even if these books were miles away in another borough, I simply reserve them online ,albeit for a nominal charge and then just wait for then to make their to the library next to my house .
What I am looking forward to the most is slipping away into the bylanes of India’s northern states , seeing it through eyes and loosing myself in the magical tales he has weaved . I am sure he already has a long list of fans world over and I have added my name to that list . So Hayfever and a sore throat not withstanding, I am going to go get the books right away .
Ok maybe after a small ,much-needed nap ๐
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